Assisting Defenders of Human Rights & Civil Liberties
Since 1992 in then Czechoslovakia, we have helped activists focused on expanding and defending rights and liberties, particularly for those systemically disadvantaged. Recently we have focused on assisting digital activists ensure that technology expands rights and opportunities.

Helping those who Safeguard Biodiversity
Starting in the Colorado Rocky Mountains in the1980s and in Africa since 1989, we have helped institutions and individuals working to preserve critical ecosystems and wildlife populations and strike an appropriate balance with respect to human needs.

Facilitating Multi-stakeholder Collaboration
We have designed and led multi-stakeholder collaborations to resolved public health, economic development and quality-of-life challenges, primarily American in communities and trained community and organizational leaders in the skills and mindsets necessary for collaboration.

Our core focus. We use traditional tools and borrow and invent new ones to help develop robust understandings of operating environments, challenges, opportunities and constraints.

Organizational Development
Change agents are creating a variety of institutions to accomplish their objectives. We help them implement proven models and develop new (non-hierarchical, anti-bureaucratic…) ones.

Business Planning
Even nonprofits and mission-focused organizations need sound business plans, honest cash flow projections, reliable internal accounting systems. We help you develop these.

Leadership Development
Emerging leaders, and their traditional counterparts, need a set of mental models and managerial tools which enable them to engage others in addressing complex challenges.

Program Planning
We help clients develop sharply tailored objectives, rich indicators, useful targets… and robust internal theories of change, planning “language” and analytical frameworks.

Assessment & Evaluation
As change agents we have made promises – to our clients constituents, funders and supporters – about the changes we will bring about. We help develop and use honest metrics to assess progress and identify improvements.